maternity photos hospital smyrna

When Should I do Maternity Photos?

Timing and Weather

When should I do maternity photos? This is probably one of my most frequently asked questions. Honestly, it depends! For most mamas, having maternity photos done somewhere between 30-36 weeks is the most optimal time. Your baby bump is nicely rounded and full during this stage. Going too early, say before 25 weeks, your bump may not yet be very pronounced. Going too late, after 36 weeks, can be uncomfortable as the baby is quite large and heavy at that point. For mamas pregnant with twins, the ideal timing shifts earlier to 28-34 weeks. With two babies, your belly grows faster and gets bigger sooner. For mamas with preeclampsia or other high risk conditions, booking a session as soon as possible is recommended (don’t skip out on maternity photos just because you’re in the hospital! Maternity photos provide a special memento that is even more treasured in high risk pregnancies).

Another major factor to consider is the weather at the planned time. When I was pregnant with my daughter, it was in the middle of July here in Tennessee and I was 36 weeks pregnant. She was my first, and I gained 60 pounds during that pregnancy. I was absolutely miserable in the heat and humidity. Had I done the photos two weeks earlier in late June, I probably would have been far more comfortable and sweat-free! Factoring in your personal comfort level is so important. While I will gladly go at your pace, as slow as you need during a session, I absolutely do not want you to suffer from heat exhaustion or other climate-related misery either. Time the session when the weather is ideal for an enjoyable experience all around.


When choosing the timing for your maternity photos, the location and scenery is another key piece of the puzzle. If you’re wanting a garden shoot, make sure the flowers will still be blooming at that time. For fall colors, schedule before all the leaves fall off the trees. While I love photographing maternity sessions outdoors, there is also something fun and editorial about indoor portrait sessions. The studio provides a controlled climate plus backdrops and props to incorporate. With indoor sessions, you won’t have to worry about weather constraints at all.

I’m happy to work with you to determine the optimal timing based on your location preferences, the weather forecast, and your stage of pregnancy for a seamless and stress-free session capturing this special time in your life.

maternity pictures on step stool in a garage
pregnant mother wearing a flowy dress taking maternity photos
maternity photos hospital smyrna

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